Lucidview Demo
Demo Client Report: Categories
15 Oct 2017 -- 22 Oct 2017

The following report aims to provide an illustration of the type of reporting available to you using the LucidView Data Analysis Portal.

The report provides an overview of your entire Network and Internet infrastructure with the objective of providing you with meaningful information as to what is taking place on this key business resource.

The report demonstrates how, by using this Portal, it is possible to breakdown bandwidth usage by categories, domains and top users.
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Line Chart : Server account average connection speed - Weekly
This Line graph shows the average connection speed.
This Chart represents what the end users internet "response" is like.
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Line Chart : Server account Mbps - Weekly
This Line chart shows the amount of data used in megabits per second for the period.
To see the exact amount of data transferred, for a particular time, simply hover your mouse over the outer dark line.
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Area graph: Categories - Weekly
This stacked area graph shows the amount of data the category used.
To see the exact amount of data transferred by the particular category, simply hover your mouse over the outer dark line. The category will be displayed with information like the time, date and the amount amount of data transferred as throughput in Mbps.
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Pie chart: Categories - Weekly
The Pie Chart illustrates the top categories in Gigabytes browsed.

Below this pie chart is a breakdown of each site and their top categories. This chart is useful in determining each locations traffic utilisation.
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Table view: Categories - Weekly
This Table graph shows the amount of data each category transferred in Gigabytes.
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Pie chart of Top Domains. - Weekly
This pie chart shows the most visited domains. For more information hover each segment, it will display the amount of Gigabytes and percentage of each domain.
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Area graph:Domains - Weekly
This area graph shows the top Domains that have been browsed.
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Table View of Top Domains. - Weekly
This table view shows the top domains and the amount of Gigabytes each domain transferred.
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Table view: Top Users - Weekly
This table view shows you the top users and the amount of Gigabytes they transferred over the period.
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